Photo of Jen Teruel of Redefine U, Divorce Resources

Hi! I’m Jen Teruel.

A girl who’s passionate about helping others who need a shoulder to lean on when going through a tough time.  I’m a proud working mom, divorce survivor, and a Disney addict.  I am a geek and love the trendy stuff, and follow celebrity news because sometimes your mind just needs an escape.

I am a daughter. A mother. A friend. A cousin. A coworker.
An overachiever.

But one things for sure, no matter how crazy busy my life is, I always try to focus on self-care! Whether that means binge-watching my favorite shows or driving in a little longer so I can listen to my favorite podcast before a child enters my car.

One thing I’m not – is good at domestic duties! Do not count on me for secrets to getting the stain out of your favorite upholstered chair, or knowing how to perfectly poach an egg.

Redefine U

I decided to start Redefine U back in 2007, after I noticed how many people around me were unhappy in their relationships, including me! It took me a decade to really get it start moving and focus on next steps.  After a divorce in 2012, I realized how lucky I was because I knew all of the resources I needed to go through it as smoothly as I could (which, if you’re going through it, you know it’s not easy).

I was the lucky one.  I had support from friends and family.  I knew the resources I needed; however, I have friends and family that haven’t been as lucky.  That is why I started Redefine U, because of all of those people that are lost during this process, don’t know where to start, who to start with, when do I call x, y, z?

Now, I’d like to preface by saying that if you’re reading this I do not have all of the answers for you, but I’m building this network so that you can self-heal with the right resources (check out the resources page).  Also, Redefine U is not responsible for any of our partnerships, resources, etc… we’re here to give you ideas of resources that can help – but are not directly partnered or working with these companies, people, groups, etc…

I am here to put a smile on your face and let you know that everything is gonna be alright, promise!

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